Cloud Experts Documentation

Deploying ARO using azurerm Terraform Provider

This content is authored by Red Hat experts, but has not yet been tested on every supported configuration.


Infrastructure as Code has become one of the most prevalent ways in which to deploy and install code for good reason, especially on the cloud. This lab will use the popular tool Terraform in order to create a clear repeatable process in which to install an Azure Managed Openshift(ARO) cluster and all the required components.


Terraform is an open-source IaC tool developed by HashiCorp. It provides a consistent and unified language to describe infrastructure across various cloud providers such as AWS, Azure, Google Cloud, and many others. With Terraform, you can define your infrastructure in code and store it inside of git. This makes it easy to version, share, and reproduce.

This article will go over using the Terraform’s official azurerm providerexternal link (opens in new tab) in order to deploy an ARO Cluster into our Azure environment.

Azure’s Terraform Provider

Azurermexternal link (opens in new tab) is one of Azure’s official Terraform provider, which contains the Azurerm Red Hat Openshift Cluster Moduleexternal link (opens in new tab) that is used for the deployment of Azure Managed Red Hat Openshift(ARO).

This lab will also be using resources from the azuread moduleexternal link (opens in new tab) .


Create the following environment variables

export CLIENT_ID=xxxxxx
export GUID=$(tr -dc a-z0-9 </dev/urandom | head -c 6; echo)
export CLUSTER_DOMAIN=$GUID-azure-ninja

# Resource group and storage provider class for state storage

Create Terraform Config

  1. To start create a new directory for our Terraform Config containing a,, and terraform.tfvars file.

    mkdir aro_terraform_install
    cd aro_terraform_install
    touch terraform.tfvars
 will hold the main Terraform configuration contains the required inputs during our apply process

    terraform.tfvars contain the input values for our and should be the only file modified when doing subsequent deployments

Configure Provider and Backend Storage

The azurerm providerexternal link (opens in new tab) gives us access to modules used to install the different Azure resources required.

The azurerm backendexternal link (opens in new tab) will be used to store our tfstate file. This file is how Terrform is able to keep state information on deployments and will contain sensitive data so it should not be stored in source control or an unencrypted state.

  1. Add the azurerm providerexternal link (opens in new tab) to your file

    cat <<EOF >
    terraform {
      required_providers {
        azurerm = {
          source = "hashicorp/azurerm"
          version = "3.89.0"
      // Backend state is recommended but not required, this block can be removed for testing environments
      backend "azurerm" {
        resource_group_name  = "$STORAGE_ACCOUNT_RESOURCE_GROUP"
        storage_account_name = "$STORAGE_ACCOUNT_NAME"
        container_name       = "$STORAGE_CONTAINER_NAME"
        key                  = "example.terraform.tfstate"
    provider "azurerm" {
      features {}
      skip_provider_registration = true
    Note that the Backend azurerm his is not required but it is recommended in order to store the state file.

Reference Install Service Principle

This article will assume that the user has an existing Enterprise Application and Service Principle that can be used for the install of the ARO cluster.

If you want to create a new Application/SP the example in the module’s full documentationexternal link (opens in new tab) can be referenced for how to do that.

  1. Reference the Service Principle in using the azuread_service_principal data sourceexternal link (opens in new tab)

    cat <<EOF >>
    # Reference Service Principal
    data "azuread_service_principal" "example" {
      client_id = var.client_id
  2. Note we are referencing the variable client_id in snippet above. Meaning we need to add client_id to our

    cat <<EOF >
    variable "client_id" {
        type = string
    variable "client_password" {
        type = string
  3. Finally lets add our client information to the terraform.tfvars

    cat <<EOF > terraform.tfvars 
    client_id = "$CLIENT_ID"
    Note that we also created a client_password variable (that will be used later) but did not add it to our terraform.tfvars. This is so that we are able to check our terraform.tfvars file into source code, without expsing sensitive data. You will be required to enter the client_password during the terraform apply command in the future

Reference Red Hat’s Service Principle

  1. Red Hat has a specific Service Principle that must be referenced, DO NOT change this value, this is not a SP that you control

    cat <<EOF >>
    data "azuread_service_principal" "redhatopenshift" {
      // This is the Azure Red Hat OpenShift RP service principal id, do NOT delete it
      client_id = "f1dd0a37-89c6-4e07-bcd1-ffd3d43d8875"

Create Resource Groups

  1. Create Resource Groups using the azurerm_resource_groupexternal link (opens in new tab) module

    cat <<EOF >>
    # Create Resource Groups
    resource "azurerm_resource_group" "example" {
      name     = var.resource_group_name
      location = var.location
    The data blocks in this provider are generally used for referencing existing Azure Objects and the resource blocks are used for the creation of new resources
  2. Create the resource_group_name and location variables

    cat <<EOF >>
    variable "resource_group_name" {
        type = string
        default = "aro-example-resource-group"
    variable "location" {
        type = string
        default = "eastus"
    This time we created values with a default, so there is no need to modify our terraform.tfvars for now

Create Virtual Networks (subnets)

  1. Create the required vnet and subnets using the azurerm_virtual_networkexternal link (opens in new tab) and azurerm_subnetexternal link (opens in new tab) modules.

    cat <<EOF >>
    # Create Virtual Network
    resource "azurerm_virtual_network" "example" {
      name                = "aro-cluster-vnet"
      address_space       = [""]
      location            = azurerm_resource_group.example.location
      resource_group_name =
    resource "azurerm_subnet" "main_subnet" {
      name                 = "main-subnet"
      resource_group_name  =
      virtual_network_name =
      address_prefixes     = [""]
      service_endpoints    = ["Microsoft.Storage", "Microsoft.ContainerRegistry"]
    resource "azurerm_subnet" "worker_subnet" {
      name                 = "worker-subnet"
      resource_group_name  =
      virtual_network_name =
      address_prefixes     = [""]
      service_endpoints    = ["Microsoft.Storage", "Microsoft.ContainerRegistry"]
    Note that terraform resources can reference themselves, gets the name of our previously created resource group

Create Network Roles

  1. Create the network roles using the azurerm_role_assignmentexternal link (opens in new tab) module.

    cat <<EOF >>
    # Setup Network Roles
    resource "azurerm_role_assignment" "role_network1" {
      scope                =
      role_definition_name = "Network Contributor"
      // Note: remove "data." prefix to create a new service principal
      principal_id         = data.azuread_service_principal.example.object_id
    resource "azurerm_role_assignment" "role_network2" {
      scope                =
      role_definition_name = "Network Contributor"
      principal_id         = data.azuread_service_principal.redhatopenshift.object_id

Create Azure Managed Red Hat Openshift(ARO) Cluster

  1. Finally create the ARO cluster with the azurerm_redhat_openshift_clusterexternal link (opens in new tab) module.

    cat <<EOF >>
    # Create Azure Red Hat OpenShift Cluster
    resource "azurerm_redhat_openshift_cluster" "example" {
      name                = var.cluster_name
      location            = azurerm_resource_group.example.location
      resource_group_name =
      cluster_profile {
        domain = var.cluster_domain
        version = var.cluster_version
        pull_secret = var.pull_secret
      network_profile {
        pod_cidr     = ""
        service_cidr = ""
      main_profile {
        vm_size   = "Standard_D8s_v3"
        subnet_id =
      api_server_profile {
        visibility = "Public"
      ingress_profile {
        visibility = "Public"
      worker_profile {
        vm_size      = "Standard_D4s_v3"
        disk_size_gb = 128
        node_count   = 3
        subnet_id    =
      service_principal {
        client_id     = data.azuread_service_principal.example.client_id
        client_secret = var.client_password
      depends_on = [
  2. And update the file to include the newly referenced vars

    cat <<EOF >>
    variable "cluster_name" {
        type = string
        default = "MyExampleCluster"
    variable "cluster_domain" {
        type = string
        default = "$CLUSTER_DOMAIN"
    variable "cluster_version" {
        type = string
        default = "4.12.25"
    // Needs to be passed in to the cli, format should be:
    // '{"auths":{"":{"auth":"xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx=","email":""},"":{"auth":"xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx=","email":""},"":{"auth":"xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx=","email":""},"":{"auth":"xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx=","email":""}}}'
    variable "pull_secret" {
        type = string

    pull_secret is another variable that will be required at apply time. Your pull secret can be retrieved from the Red Hat Hybrid Cloud Console

Add Output

  1. As one last quick post step lets add the console_url to our Terraform command’s output

    cat <<EOF >>
    # Output Console URL
    output "console_url" {
      value = azurerm_redhat_openshift_cluster.example.console_url

Run Terraform

Only thing left is to run and validate our Terraform config works succesfully

  1. Log into your Azure cluster with the az login command.

  2. Run terraform init in order to download the required providers

  3. Inside the directly optionally run terraform plan in order to view the resources that will be created during the apply.

  4. Run terraform apply to start the creation of the resources, this should prompt you for

    • Client Password: Password used for the Service Principle referenced above
    • Pull Secret: Red Hat pull secret retrieved from Red Hat Hybrid Cloud Console . Paste it in exactly as copied
  5. It will take a while for the ARO cluster to complete installation, but one the apply is completed a Openshift ARO Cluster should be successfully installed and accessible

    The kubeadmin password can be retrieved with the command + az aro list-credentials --name <CLUSTER_NAME> --resource-group aro-example-resource-group -o tsv --query kubeadminPassword

If there are issues with the commands compare your terraform configuration to the solution hereexternal link (opens in new tab) .

Stretch Goal

Retrieve your tfstate file from the Blob Storage container created earlier (or locally if the backend was not used). Review the information stored inside of the state file to identify the different Azure Resources that were created when the terraform apply command was run.

Retrieve Blog Storage


This article demonstrates the deployment of OpenShift clusters in a consistent manner using Terraform and the azurerm provider. The provided configuration is highly adaptable, allowing for more intricate and customizable deployments. For instance, it could easily be modified for the use of a custom domain zone with your cluster.

Utilizing this provider allows your enterprise to streamline maintenance efforts, as the centralized and files require minimal changes. Deploying new Azure Red Hat OpenShift (ARO) clusters simply involves updating the variables in the terraform.tfvars file.

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