Cloud Experts Documentation

Add an Ingress Controller to a ROSA Cluster and optionally with a custom domain.

This content is authored by Red Hat experts, but has not yet been tested on every supported configuration.

Starting with OpenShift 4.14, ROSA supports adding additional Ingress Controllers which can use used to configure a custom domain on a ROSA cluster without having to use the now deprecated Custom Domain Operator. This guide shows how to add an additional Ingress Controller ( public or private ) to a ROSA cluster and optionally also configuring a custom domain.


  • A Red Hat OpenShift on AWS (ROSA) cluster
  • The oc CLI #logged in.
  • The aws CLI #logged in.
  • The rosa CLI #logged in.
  • (optional) A Public Route53 Hosted Zone, and the related Domain to use.

Set up environment

  1. Export few environment variables

Important: The variables below can be customized to fit your needs for your ingress controller. CERT_NAME this is the name of the tls secret for the domain of your ingress controller. This tls secret must be stored in the openshit-ingress namespace.
If you are adding an additional Ingress Controller to the domain that comes with ROSA use the name of the secret in the openshift-ingress namespace that has the naming format of (ID)-primary-cert-bundle-secret. SCOPE this will be the scope of the Network Load Balancer that will be provisioned. The scope can be either Internal for a private network load balancer or External for an Internet facing network load balancer.

export INGRESS_NAME=public-ingress #name of the new ingress controller
export CERT_NAME="lab-domain-com-tls-cert" 
export SCOPE="External" 
export AWS_PAGER=""
export HOSTED_ZONE_REGION=us-east-2
export   #Custom Hosted Zone Domain for apps 
export SCRATCH_DIR=/tmp/scratch
mkdir -p $SCRATCH_DIR

Create the Ingress Controller.

envsubst  <<EOF | oc apply -f -
kind: IngressController
  annotations: "true"
  generation: 2
  labels: "true"
  namespace: openshift-ingress-operator
      name: ""
    clientCertificatePolicy: ""
    name: $CERT_NAME
  domain: $DOMAIN
      dnsManagementPolicy: Unmanaged
          networkLoadBalancer: {}
          type: NLB
        type: AWS
      scope: $SCOPE
    type: LoadBalancerService
  httpCompression: {}
  httpEmptyRequestsPolicy: Respond
    name: ""
  replicas: 2
    reloadInterval: 0s
  unsupportedConfigOverrides: null

Describe the Ingress Controller to confirm it’s ready.

oc describe IngressController $INGRESS_NAME -n openshift-ingress-operator

You should see an output that mentions that the ingress controller is Admitted.

Normal   Admitted           2m16s  ingress_controller  ingresscontroller passed validation

Also verify the router pods of the new ingress controller are running

oc get pods -n openshift-ingress | grep $INGRESS_NAME

Expected output is two pods in a Running state.

router-public-7dd48fdcbb-bpdzc    1/1     Running   0          4m20s
router-public-7dd48fdcbb-cn7hb    1/1     Running   0          4m20s

Create a Route 53 entry for the new domain / network load balancer

Get the NLB environment variables:

NLB_HOSTNAME=$(oc get service router-public -o jsonpath='{.status.loadBalancer.ingress[0].hostname}')
NLB_NAME=$(echo $NLB_HOSTNAME | sed 's/-.*//')
NLB_REGION=$(echo $NLB_HOSTNAME | cut -d "." -f 3)
NLB_HOSTED_ZONE=$(aws elbv2 describe-load-balancers --name $NLB_NAME --region $NLB_REGION | jq -r ".LoadBalancers[0].CanonicalHostedZoneId")

Create an alias record json statement.

cat <<EOF > $SCRATCH_DIR/add_alias_record.json
    "Comment":"Adding an alias record for the NLB in Route 53",
     "Action": "CREATE",
 	      "Name": "*.$DOMAIN",
       "AliasTarget": {
         "HostedZoneId": "$NLB_HOSTED_ZONE",
         "DNSName": "$NLB_HOSTNAME",
        "EvaluateTargetHealth": false

Create a new route 53 record to point to the domain / network load balancer

aws route53 change-resource-record-sets --hosted-zone-id $HOSTED_ZONE_ID --change-batch file://$SCRATCH_DIR/add_cname_record.json

Test an application.

  1. Create a test applciation in a new namespace.

    oc new-project testapp
    oc new-app -n testapp
  2. Expose the test application Service.

    Let’s create a Route to expose the application from outside the cluster, and annotate the Route to give it a new Certificate.

    oc create route edge --service=hello-openshift testroute --hostname hello.$DOMAIN -n testapp
  3. Access the application Route.

    Open your browser to hello.$DOMAIN and you will see a secured web page that displays Hello OpenShift.

View Hello OpenShift

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